I've run across several websites who's domain registrar shows up as Public Domain Registry.


To find out the domain registration information for a domain name you do what is called a WHOIS search.


See the results for a WHOIS search for www.seersgrp.com here



Notice it shows the registrar as www.publicdomainregistry.com.


The problem is, I've been all over the Public Domain Registry website and you can neither register a domain name nor get in touch with them. Here is the Contact page. I've sent emails to all links on this page.



If your website shows up as registered by Public Domain Registry you may have to wait until the domain name expires and then re-register with another registrar.  =\


I'm working on a solution to this problem and I will update this page accordingly.



You should always register a domain name in your own domain registrar account. Also the domain registrar is where you control the DNS which is the setting that controls where (what host server) the domain name points to.