HTML & XHTML Compliance


What is XHTML Compliance?

We build websites 100% XHTML compliant. This is the highest standard to which web pages can be built.

Having your website follow the compliance standards specified by the World Wide Web Consortium will ensure that your website is properly cataloged and indexed by the search engine's web crawlers. Search engines such as Yahoo, Google, MSN and many more.

This is a huge benefit for generating traffic to your website. Eighty percent of websites on the world-wide-web do not follow the compliance standards. Here, try a couple for yourself...(see below)


Check your website's compliance

1. Go to the World Wide Web Consortium's validator-webpage here

2. Once on the Validator page, "copy and paste" the website URL (commonly known as the web address) you want to check in the "Validate by URL" / Address: field and click the Check button.

World Wide Web Consortium Website Validation Page


3. After checking the page the validator will tell you how many errors there are on your page.


What happens if my website is not compliant?

If your website does not follow the world-wide-web consortium's compliance standards, it will not only NOT be indexed and cataloged by the search engines, it could potentially be ommited from search results on purpose. This will pretty much ensure that you will not have the maximum traffic to your website.

Is this to say no one will never stumble accross your site? No. What it does however mean is, when web-surfers are searching for products, information or services in your industry there is a much less likely chance of them finding your site in the search results provided by the search engines.

When a search engine's web-crawler comes across a website that does not follow the compliance standards it will think one of two things: 1) This site doesn't know what they are doing or 2) This site is trying to cheat. Either way, the web-crawler will not do what is known as a "deep index" of the site. A deep-index is when the web-crawler follows the links on your web page to the other web pages on your site and indexes them as well.

Each search engine's algorithm handles this senario differently. If there are not too many errors, some web-crawlers will possibly index the index (home) page of the website but will not follow the links to do a deep-index. However if there are too many errors or if the crawler thinks the website is trying to cheat to achieve higher search results, it will not only NOT index the site but the website might be ommited from search results. This means you could have the prettiest site on the internet but with no traffic going to it, it is worthless to your business and a waste of your money, time and resources of hosting the site.

See also: